
Solving Blunder on HTB



masscan -p 1-65535 -e tun0 --rate=1000

Only port 80 open That is by default the HTTP port so I know Apache is runnning

dirb -X .txt

with normal and php and html gave nothing but the .txt -X .txt gave a todo file which revealed a username fergus

Found admin page which gave a login prompt

"Powered by BLUDIT" seeing how to exploit that

Found a blog listed below

They apparently have an anti brute force mechanism which can be bypassed by adding a header that changes the client ip with every attempt

Seemed needlessly tiresome to blindly bruteforce the login although that was working it would theoretically take forever

Common passwords and username combos didnt work

Using cewl to get a custom worlist this can be used to bruteforce with the username we found

Using the wordlist with fergus as the username RolandDeschain

The code I used is at

I know there is a path traversal exploit in bludit as well from a google search so will try that in an image upload

There is a metasploit module for this bludit exploit so I used that one

The users.txt(flag) was not accessible found the users.php file was found in bludit but an online search found that salt was added at the end

5dde2887e7aca bfcc887f62e36ea019e3295aafb8a3885966e265

I still wasn’t being able to decode

More enumeration revealed a newer version of bludit with a users.php without a salt

This revealed a SHA hash that was crackable

This revealed the user flag

Now to escalate priveleges

sudo -l

revealed he had bash priveleges

sudo -u#-1 /bin/bash

gave root access

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