Eternal Loop Challenge Hackthebox

My solution to the Eternal Loop Challenge on Hackthebox



This challenge was in the miscellaneous section of the challenges on Hackthebox. I was struggling with the scripting section during hacktivitycon and decided to do a writeup of this one.

I downloaded the challenge files and saw that it was a zip with a number as the name. Previewing the contents of the file revealed another zip file within it with what seemed like another random number. This seemed like a zip-ception kind of problem.

I manually tried to extract the first zip file but had to enter a password. Instantly I thought of brute forcing it using rockyou.txt.

I was going to use 7z to unzip the files incase there are other archive formats once I get the password. To brute the password I was going to use fcrackzip. (-u only displays the password)

fcrackzip -D -p /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt -u

Much to my dismay got no valid password. Reading the docs/tutorials of fcrackzip I found another brute method that would brute numbers alone on the zip file as the password.

fcrackzip -b -v -c '1' -l 1-5 -u

This would test numbers from 1 digit to 5 digits long. This gave me the password.


Whats interesting here is that thats the name of the file within the zip we are trying to open.

7zip has a feature to display the files within an archive

7z l

Thereafter, I wrote a script to do extract the files.


from pwn import *
io = process('sh')

while 1:    
    if(filename == ""):
    io.sendline("7z l "+filename)
    result = io.recvrepeat(1).decode().strip().split("\n")
    #print("\n \n \n")
    password=(result[-3].split(" ")[-1]).split(".")[0]
    io.sendline("7z e " + filename+ " -p"+password)
    io.sendline("rm "+filename)
    io.sendline("ls | grep zip")
    ls =io.recvrepeat(1).decode().strip()
    if ls == "":

Initially I got through the zip-ception but that last file was a non-zip file that did not follow the password being filename. So it resulted in a empty file being created called DoNotTouch so I had to go through the process again keeping the additional code.

    if(filename == ""):

What I should have done is in the 7z l section I should have put a checker to not delete the file after extracting if it wasn’t a zip file.

So now I have a file DoNotTouch but the password is not the file name. Guess its time for rockyou.txt again.

This time it worked.

I checked the file type using

file DoNotTouch

As always I prefer online tools so I looked online tools to able to view sqlite 3 data and found it here.

It was standard database format with tables and rows of table. There were quite a number of tables and while glancing through the table I found the answer.

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